Saturday, July 23, 2011

More on Not-so-Accu-Weather

Okay, another day has passed, and here's the Accuweather forecast for 7/27 through 8/6. Notice that once again, there are very cool temperatures forecast at the end of the 15-day period.

7/27 - 93° (2° lower than yesterday)
7/28 - 92° (same as yesterday)
7/29 - 93° (same as yesterday)
7/30 - 94° (3° higher than yesterday's forecast)
7/31 - 83° (6° lower than yesterday's forecast)
8/1 - 79° (same as yesterday's forecast)
8/2 - 86° (2° lower than yesterday's forecast)
8/3 - 86° (same as yesterday)
8/4 - 80° (9° lower than yesterday's forecast)
8/5 - 77° (9° lower than yesterday's forecast--and once again, there are very cool temperatures at the end of the forecast period)
8/6 - 76° (AccuWeather's wondrusly cool 15-days-out forecasts return!)

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