Friday, May 18, 2007

Medium Not Well Done

Watched the season finale for Medium, and came away sorely unimpressed. If you don't want anything given away, quit reading while I kvetch...

The whole series is based on a real-world person, Allison DuBois, who helps the police solve crimes by giving them evidence gained from visions she experiences in her dreams. In the season finale, a reporter reveals to the world that Allison DuBois (the television show Allison DuBois) helps the police solve crimes by giving them evidence gained from visions she experiences in her dreams. The world is shocked--shocked, I tell you!--and she becomes a pariah. One character refers to her as "toxic."

Problem is, this is a series based on a real person who purportedly does this in the real world. And she's respected, successful, an author of several popular books, and a woman who--get this--has a television series inspired by her life. Scarcely a toxic pariah, huh?

Makes the whole season finale seems overly melodramatic and pointless, doesn't it?


Lanny said...

I hear the show will be replaced next season by better show called "Large".


cliff said...

Well of course, as far as I'm concerned, Bigger is better...

Lanny said...

The Princes of Puns strikes! LOL!

Lanny said...

That SHOULD read PRINCE...honest.

cliff said...

I presumed you just thought I had multiple personality disorder.


the blogger formerly known as Princes