Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Run of the 'Mill

I should have mentioned this in the earlier post, but I forgot--Janice's comment about an echocardiogram reminded me that I left out some pretty important info.

I just went through a nuclear stress test (that's the one where the inject you with a radioactive substance to see if you gain amazing powers--and then they look at your heart after making you run on the treadmill for a while to see what's glowing and what isn't) in late January, and all was fine with that. I see Doctor Mike every six months, and I undergo regular echocardiograms and stress tests in between the scheduled nuclear stress tests, so I'm well documented, at least! I also have very high HDL cholesterol and very low LDL cholesterol, thanks to exercise, diet, and medication, so I don't think that I could have had a renewed buildup of arterial plaque...

The fact that everything looked good just three months ago continues to baffle me. If my results look so good, why does my chest hurt? These are the questions that keep one awake at night...

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