Monday, June 25, 2012

Merry Mid-Christmas!

It's very early in the morning of June 25th, and we're officially at the Mid-Christmas Equinox, as I have come to call it. The last Christmas was exactly six months ago, the next Christmas is exactly six months away; everything that you wish the holiday had been last year, it can be this year--you have six months to make it so!

Christmases have changed over the years. When we were all younger and thought we had all the time in the world, I tended to think of Christmas as a time when I could do everything I could to bring happiness and satisfaction to the lives of those close to me. Now I know that it's not in my power to do that, no matter how much I'd like to--all we can do it hope that the gifts we give, the greetings we share, the friendship and the love... we can hope that they let those close to us know that we care, that we hope for them, and we want them to find that happiness and satisfation.

I received countless numbers of gifts over the years, but the real gift was the one that I think I took for granted. The real gift was the fact that someone else thought enough of me to want to make my life better, to say, "This is for you" and let me know that I mattered to them.

We all have six months to let others know that they matter and that we want their lives to be better. I'm already making my list...

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