Thursday, April 05, 2012

You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)

Today, my car told me it couldn't import the phone directory from my iPhone because of what I refer to as "contact creep." As I've added numbers of stores, restaurants, friends, distributors, and the like, I had crept above the magic thousand-entry mark that is all the Acura will support.

So I spent some time editing out numbers. I'm bad about postponing routine maintenance of this sort, so it's not surprising that I discovered I still had a few numbers of contacts who were no longer among the living. I winnowed that list down--and while I was at it, I dropped numbers belonging to (a) people I couldn't remember, (b) people with whom I'd had no contact in at least three years, and (c) people I had called several times who have apparently decided that they had no interest in talking to me, since they never returned repeated calls. (Hey, I have an iPhone, too, so I know that your phone tells you when I called...) Now my phone is 143 numbers lighter, and I can import my phone book to the Acura.

Sometimes you have to do data "spring cleaning" like this, not just for the sake of technological spring cleaning, but to remind yourself that times change, and so do people.

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