Thursday, August 04, 2011

Dinner With Friends

I know I've mentioned our Wednesday night dinners at El Rodeo here before, but tonight was so enjoyable that I thought it was time to mention them again! We've been eating at the same restaurant almost every Wednesday for more than two decades now, with the lineup changing over time. I think the only people who have been constants throughout the entire time are Charles, Ralph, and me; over the years, we've also shared our meals with Brett, Chris, Ed, Jim, Lanny, Buck, Trish, Jared, Jenny, Allyson, Angie, Whitney, Amy, Jason, Josh, and others. Tonight, in addition to Charles, Ralph, and me, Jim Moore came back from a two-week trip through New England, sharing tales of his journeys; Chris joined us to catch us up on goings-on in his life; Ed helped us to remember how much fun comics always are (the conversation turns to many topics when Ed is around, but politics and comics are the two mainstays--and tonight, Ed gave me one of my favorite lines, via his brother Joel: "I collect stamps, coins, and rent. I find rent to be the most profitable.").

A always look forward to Wednesdays--and while the fact that it's new comics day is a big part of my enjoyment, the chance to visit with old friends is an even bigger part of the my enthusiasm for mid-week.

1 comment:

  1. I'll second that. Wednesday remains my favorite day of the week.
