Monday, July 25, 2011

Weather or Not You're Interested

Another day's worth of Accuweather forecasts; with 7/27 only two days away, they're starting to settle in on a more specific forecast, but there's still time for them to change everything.

7/27 - 93° (same as yesterday)
7/28 - 90° (2° cooler than yesterday)
7/29 - 93° (same as yesterday)
7/30 - 94° (same as yesterday)
7/31 - 92° (2° cooler than yesterday's forecast)
8/1 - 93° (9° higher than yesterday's forecast)
8/2 - 97° (13° higher than yesterday's forecast!)
8/3 - 87° (11° higher than yesterday's forecast)
8/4 - 83° (3° higher than yesterday's forecast)
8/5 - 78° (9° lower than yesterday's forecast)
8/6 - 90° (3° higher than yesterday's forecast)
8/7 - 88° (wow--there are no cool temperatures in AccuWeather's forecasdt, which is a first!)
8/8 - 87° (another aberration for AccuWeather--the cool day comes 12 days out, not 15)

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