Saturday, October 16, 2010

Comics in Bad Taste

My current idea for a comic in such bad taste that no one would ever publish it (or would they)?

A young Jewish girl hides from the Nazis. For many months, she keeps a chronicle of her life in hiding. Then she is found, sent away, and dies in a Nazi concentration camp... which point a scientist finds a way to bring her back to life and turn her into an engine of destruction against her Nazi tormentors.

The title?... Wait for it...

The Diary of Ann Frankenstein.

(Yes, I know it's in wretchedly bad taste.)


  1. Bad taste? Yes. Marketable? OH, YES! I don't think I'd want MY name it though. :-)

  2. Write it now, Cliff! Mark Millar's making Hollywood movies from distasteful comics...

  3. Quentin Tarantino can direct the movie.

  4. How about one about a famous author who becomes a gender changing werewolf? Then you can ask "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfman?"
