Monday, March 02, 2009

Journey to the Past

And today, Barack Obama's bumbling, corrupt, dishonest administration leads us to new lows for this century, with the Dow Jones closing at 6763... that's 30% below the Dow's value on November 4th, 2008, the last day that America was free of the burden of this presidency.

That is, by the way, almost twice the percentage drop that the Dow suffered from the time the crisis began on September 15th and the time it was clear that capitalism and individual responsibility were destined to be crippled for at least two and possibly as much as eight more years.

401k's, IRA's, personal investments... all destroyed as the President pushes ahead with socialistic goals and anti-American actions. And of course, if he succeeds in creating a permanent majority supported by the labors of the minority, then it'll be difficult to ever vote in meaningful change.

Too bad there is no system to mandate that one must give up his right to vote in order to live out of the pockets of others...

And too bad that we don't have a President who'd appoint intelligent leaders rather than tax cheats... but that might require that we also have a President with leadership experience, and the nation opted not to go that route when they chose style over substance back in November.

Now Barack Obama has taken the market back to 1997 levels. His policies and fiscal mismanagement are straight out of the Carter playbook, so perhaps he intends to take us back to the market levels of the 1970s as well...


  1. It is indeed a sad state of affairs...

  2. My latest blog entry might make interesting reading on this subject:

    Art's Bar & Grill (Blog)
