Saturday, August 09, 2008

Wait a Minute...

Let's see... John Edwards, who has denied for years that there was any truth to the rumors that he had an affair, now admits that he had an affair back in 2006 or so. The affair ended, however, just before the "window of conception" for the baby that is rumored to be his. His wife has known about this for a couple of years now and it's all in the past.

So then, why was John Edwards meeting the purportedly-former other woman in a hotel a couple of weeks ago?...


  1. Certainly you would not expect a politician to act as a moral compass. It should be no more our business what he does, than it is what you or I do behind closed doors.

  2. I expect a politician to be honest. John Edwards has prove he is incapable of such--even when admitting to a lie, he has to couch it in another lie.

    And yes, I do also expect politicians to act as moral men, not hypocrites.

  3. As long as you know your expectations cannot be lived up to, things should work out fine.

  4. Thankfully, my candidates live up to my expectations...
