Saturday, July 19, 2008

Having Trouble Finding Sympathy...

I think I'm supposed to feel really sorry for the two people pictured in conjunction with this story. Try as I might, I'm not mustering up a lot of sympathy...

(I'll wait while you check it out: you can click on the link above, or you can just click on the URL here: )

First off, a reduction in caloric intake might have some beneficial effects...

Secondly, notice that "Nunez, 40, has never worked and has no high school degree." I do not accept the premise that "a car accident 17 years ago left her depressed and disabled, incapable of getting a job."

You know, if you really want to eat and have a roof over your head, it's time to get over a 17-year-old accident and move on to finding a way to making yourself a productive member of society, dontcha think?...

Perhaps at some point in the very near future Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs will begin to kick in and Ms. Nunez will actually begin to take responsibility for her own existence. Maybe it's not too late to teach the same sort of self-sufficiency to her daughter...

1 comment:

  1. Why should either woman work? Any one who works is already paying their way.

    They have no motivation, thanks to socialism.

